
I am an AMCD (Anastasia Mosquito Control District) County Commissioner, mother, wife and community volunteer. I am one the 5 elected Commissioners on the Board (I was elected in 2018) representing St. Johns County taxpayers best interests. I am the Vice-Chairperson, and the Chair of the Education Committee at AMCD. I strive to lead by example, with kindness, facts, and understanding.

I am passionate about educating our residents, both adults and youth. As well as the millions of yearly tourists who visit our beautiful county. I put environmental safety, fiscal responsibility, and innovation at the top of my priorities to keep everyone safe from life-threatening mosquito-borne diseases.

My family moved to Florida when I was in middle school. My favorite memories from those years are from our summer vacations spent here in St. Augustine. It was my dream to move here, and my husband and I did so in 2010. We are so incredibly proud to have established roots here for our family, and to be a part of this vibrant community.

I became involved in mosquito control when my son, who was 2 at the time, was suddenly unable to play outside without developing big itchy welts due to mosquito bites. A friend told me to put in a service request with AMCD. I placed a service request, and a technician was at my doorstep the very next day. I was thrilled at the prompt service, but I told him that I was hesitant about spraying chemicals in my yard. I was concerned about pesticides getting on my son and dog. The technician patiently explained to me all of the different procedures to properly inspect and treat my yard. He let me know that AMCD uses an organic matter (naturally occurring pesticide found in soil) to address most issues. During his inspection he found the problem, and immediately treated my yard. Thanks to him, we were given back our freedom to enjoy our yard.

I was so grateful for the service, and for the genuine care that the technician took. Anytime I had a problem, I simply put in a service request. He would promptly arrive, inspect, and treat the yard. I became so interested in the array of mosquito facts he would share. Soon after, I began comparing the mosquitoes in my yard to internet pictures so that I could figure out which species was bothering me. I became obsessed with these little bugs, which interestingly only need to find one inch of standing water to grow!

My Father immigrated to the United States from Greece in the 1970ā€™s. He wanted to live the American dream, and so he moved here with a few suitcases, a Greek-English dictionary and dream. When I was sworn into office, I did so on the dictionary he came to the United States with. Because of his sacrifice and bravery, I am now living my dream in the city I love with my family.

I love this Country and this County too. I am dedicated to shining a light on justice and equality. I am committed to creating a positive space for all of us; no matter our gender identity, race, political status, religion, job, sexual preference, economic class, or zip code. I believe we can all live a life full of love, education, and no mosquito-borne diseases.

Mosquitoes kill more than 1 million humans worldwide each year. Iā€™m committed to ensuring our District has the proper equipment, research technology, and budget to protect us all in a financially responsible, thoughtful, and non-partisan manner.

I wish you and your families the best,

Trish Becker

AMCD Commissioner

